Waterproofing ,20.5 Kg (Plastic Drum)
2K Plus
Flexible, two-component crack-bridging cementitious waterproofing for positive water pressure up to 7 bar & negative water pressure up to 5 bar. ideal for treating rising dampness.
Waterproofing20 Kg (Plastic Drum)
2K Flexi
Two-component highly flexible cementitious waterproofing slurry with crack bridging ability. can withstand high positive water pressure up to 7 bar.
Waterproofing16 Litr (Metal Can) ,
Clear Sealer SB
Solvent-based sealer with excellent penetration, applied as a transparent layer to protect concrete or as a primer for coatings.
Waterproofing25 Kg (Metal Can)
HB Tex
Water-based textured exterior paint with waterproofing properties reinforced with smooth-up to rough special fillers available in 3 textures.
Concrete Repair10 Kg (Plastic Bag)
Unimix UW
Fiber reinforced, flexible & crack bridging cementitious repair mortar for wide joints up to 50 mm for both indoor and outdoor applications.
Concrete Admixtures4.5 Kg (Metal Can)
Admix Bond
Acrylic-based bonding agent for bonding new to old concrete. also, primer for cement-based products shall be applied while still tacky.
Sealants and Adhesives475 g (Cartidge)
U-Fix AC 40
A one-component, general purpose, flexible & paintable acrylic joint filler and sealant. can be used internally and externally.
Concrete Admixtures20 Kg (Jerrycan)
Admix SBR Plus
bonding agent and admixture from an aqueous dispersion of Styrene-butadiene Rubber copolymer with high solids content.
Aggregate15 Kg (Paper Bag)
Aggregate Ultra Fine
Graded silica sand filler
Tiling25 Kg (Paper Bag)
Unimix Tile Adhesive C2TE S1
Improved flexible, cementitious, tile adhesive with high bonding strength for Porcelain, large tiles, natural stone and submerged applications.
Concrete Repair20 Kg (Paper Bag)
Dry Mix
A ready mixed cementitious screed made with selected aggregates, additives, fiber.
Waterproofing16 Litr (Metal Can) ,
Primer WB
A general-purpose acrylic primer with excellent coverage, designed for application over a wide range of substrates to improve the adhesion of topcoats.
Aggregate21.3 Kg (Paper Bag)
Aggregate Medium
Graded silica sand filler
Tiling25 Kg (Paper Bag)
Unimix Tile Adhesive C2TE
High-performance cementitious adhesive for submerged conditions with no vertical slip and extended open time
Concrete Admixtures20 Kg (Jerrycan) ,
Admix SBR
Aquous dispersion of Styrene-butadiene Rubber copolymer with 10% solids content, used as bonding agent and admixture improves the adhesion and cohesion of concrete & cement mixes.
Concrete Repair20 Kg (Paper Bag) ,
Power Mix
A high- quality non shrink cement repair mortar specially designed for leveling concrete and plaster surfaces. It can be used on internal concrete surfaces. It can be applied on horizontal and vertical surfaces without sagging. Easy to grind to get an extra smooth finish
Tiling25 Kg (Paper Bag)
Unimix Tile Adhesive C1TE
A cement-based tile adhesive with additives to improve its properties. Suitable for walls and floors for ceramic & small format tiles.
Sealants and Adhesives475 g (Cartidge)
U-Fix AC 60 filler
One component, acrylic putty& adhesive for filling joints & gaps, and multi purpose gluing, in internal & external applications.
Aggregate15.3 Kg (Paper Bag)
Aggregate Fine
Graded silica sand filler
Steel Protection ,16 Litr (Metal Can)
Steel Enamel
A high quality alkyd paint, with a high solids content, It comes in a matt , semi gloss and gloss finish and can withstand external weather
Waterproofing16 Litr (Metal Can)
HB Topcoat
A waterproofing and anti-carbonation acrylic paint, for old and new exterior walls. high adhesion to concrete surfaces which offers long- term protection.
Concrete Repair ,15 Kg (Paper Bag)
Unimix SF
Flexible Superfine & Water-resistant leveling cementitious putty for interior and exterior applications up to 10 mm thicknesses.
Waterproofing16 Litr (Metal Can)
HB Fiber
one-component, acrylic waterproofing, UV resistance & fiber-reinforced to enhance the tensile strength to form a tough, and durable layer.
Thinning Products16 Litr (Metal Can) ,
Epoxy Thinner
Thinner for epoxy paint
Thinning Products5 Litr (Metal Can)
PU Thinner
Thinner for polyurethane paint
Waterproofing16 Litr (Metal Can) ,
A waterproofing and carbonation-resistant acrylic paint, suitable for coating old and new exterior walls. Can be applied with high film thickness to hide defects and cracks. High adhesion to concrete surfaces which offers long-term protection in difficult weather circumstances.
Waterproofing ,16 Litr (Metal Can)
Clear Sealer WB
Water-based coating applied as a transparent layer to protect concrete or cement tiles. can be used also as a primer for water-based coating.
Waterproofing20 Kg (Plastic Drum)
2K Slurry
Two-component flexible cementitious waterproofing slurry, easy to mix & applied with a roller. Withstand positive water pressure up to 7 bar with superior adhesion to all substrates
Waterproofing20 Litr (Jerrycan)
Franseal SB
Solvent-based colorless silicone repellent, suitable for most stone facades. protect against rain and dust without affecting color or gloss.
Waterproofing20 Litr (Jerrycan) ,
Franseal WB
Water-based colorless silicone repellent, suitable for most stone facades. protect against rain and dust without affecting color or gloss.